Reduce Stress, Save Time, Save Money
Areas We Can Help You
Business Organizing
Home Office Organizing
Home Organizing
Organized Moving/Relocation
Special Needs Organizing
• Simplify Life
• Reduce Anxiety
• Increase Productivity
• Increase Accessibility
• Improve Quality of Life
• Aquire Organizing Skills
​The Process
Being disorganized is a common symptom is any of the above. At Organizing With You, we provide personalized organizational strategies so you can better function in your physical space, be more productive and have systems that will complement your lifestyle. Whatever your organizing goals, we help you achieve them!

​The Process
After your initial call, we will conduct a consultation of your office space. Together, we will determine what areas need to be tackled first. We will organize your home office, one area at a time. Hands-on organizing assistance will be provided, as we will delve into every drawer and closet as well as make a decision about every piece of paper to come up with the right organizing systems for you. We will aim to organize the office in the 3-hour minimum, and I will assign you homework. However, if have signed up for more than 3 hours, we do not have to complete all those hours in one sitting. Some clients spread it out over weeks or months. Once the systems and solutions are in place, we can revisit as you will be provided with a maintenance plan also.
• Mail Management
• Filing System
• Clutter Management
• Storage Solutions
• Time Management
Areas We Can Help You​
Office Set Up
Mail Management
Filing System
Clutter Management
Desk Clutter
Storage Solutions
Time Management

Areas we can help you
Downsizing and Decluttering
Room by Room Preparation for Moving
Organized Packing and Unpacking
Consultation of Furniture Layout
Donation Drop-Off (Opt In)
Shopping for Organizing Products (Opt In)
Save valuable time
Save yourself from stress and anxiety
Have organized systems in your new home or office from the start
Reduce Stress, Save Time, Save Money

The Process
During your initial call, we will conduct a phone assessment for about 10 minutes and ask questions regarding your organizing needs and project. Depending on your preference, we will proceed with scheduling an in-person or over email assessment of your space (using pictures). This is when we will set goals and decide on priorities. Once we schedule the session, we will begin organizing and work alongside you as we will impart skills to you. How long the organizing project takes, really depends upon the amount of “stuff”, “clutter,” size of the space and the pace of working of the client as well.
Areas we can help you
Closet Organizing
Living Room Organizing
Kitchen Organizing
Bathroom Organizing
Room By Room Organizing
Garage Organizing
Basement or Attic Organizing
Storage Solutions
Paper Organizing
Simplify time
No more piles of paper
No more clutter
No more late bills
Increase productivity
No more stress and anxiety
Learn skills to last you a lifetime
Reduce Stress, Save Time, Save Money

The Process
Being disorganized is a common symptom is any of the above. And often, a very different approach needs to be taken in helping in clients affected by a mental health struggle or a major life transition. At Organizing With You, we recognize that, and have organizational strategies devised specifically to help you cope with those issues so you can better function in your physical space, be more productive and have systems that will complement you despite those struggles. Between tactics such as color coding, labeling, task divisions, and recommendations on special organizational products, we will help you achieve your goals.
Areas we can help you
Life Transition (death, divorce, etc.)
Physical Deficit
Chronic Disorganization
Simplify Life
Reduce anxiety/agony
Improve access
Increase quality
Increase productivity
Learn skills to last you a lifetime
Reduce Stress, Save Time, Save Money
Reduce Stress, Save Time, Save Money

• Mind Over Matter!
How to change your mind set before changing your physical space.
• Organization 101!
The ABC’s of organizing; the process, steps and maintenance. A little bit of everything related to organizing.
• The Paper Dilemma!
Learn what to keep, what to let go of. Get trained on how to tame the paper monster!
• Taming The Clutter!
Step-by-step tips for identifying & eliminating clutter, including piles of paper.
• Spring Organizing!
Spring is a great time for cleaning and organizing. Expert tips to get your home in shape this Spring.
• Start Early: Organizing With Your Kids!
How to teach your kids the value of organization and imparting organizing skills to them. Learning how to set an example!

Professional Organizer & Efficiency Expert Pooja Naik is available to do presentations on various organization topics to groups and businesses. Anything from the the causes of disorganization, the process of becoming organized, time management, to clever organizing tips & tricks can be addressed in these presentations. Below are some of the organizing topics covered. Please note that presentations can be customized to specific requests.
• Too Busy To Organize!
Change your approach to organizing and learn how to go from piles to files
• Crossing All The T’s!
Time management and goal setting for the small business
• Beat the Clock: Organizing Your Time!
How to stop procrastinating and gain the time to do the things you really want to do.
• Your ROI For Being Organized!
Disorganization costs you time and money. Learn how to calculate what your ROI is by being organized!
• Group Seminars
• Lunch ‘n Learn Presentations, for Employees, Entrepreneurs
• Company Retreats
• Special Events
• Mini to Half-Day Presentations Also Available
• Time Is Money!
Why do we need time and how to set clear objectives to utilize time effectively and increase productivity?
• Getting Organized Works For Everyone!
Unique organizational strategies to function better in your physical space despite mental health struggles or challenging life transitions.